Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bakun Trip 2009

Thirty teachers from my school grabbed the opportunity to visit Bakun dam on 8 November 2009. The trip was very memorable as I experienced a lot of first-times in the trip.

1. First time to wear and own a corporate shirt.

2. First time to wear a life jacket.

3. First time to naik perahu.

4. First time to camwhore in an open boat.

5. First time to wear a hard hat.

6. First time to visit the Bakun dam.

7. First time to follow an outdoor trip with the other teachers.

8. First time to try to jump while wearing a pair of boots.

9. First time to visit a primary school that is so rural, you get RM1500 of hardship allowance.

10. First time to climb up a 4WD

I am glad to have this bunch of noisy and loud teachers as colleagues. They remind me so much of my crazy friends in UKM. We laughed so hard and made such loud noise that we don't really seem like teachers. Oh well, better act and stay young while we still can.

Looking forward to my next adventures.

p/s I have always believe that things happen for a reason, regardless of how hard and how painful it is. As times pass, I started to see things where I am hugely blessed. Experience has taught me a lot. :-D

1 opinions:

Hailey Tereso Francis said...

hahaha...I just can't believe that those peoples in ur pix actually r teachers....haizz...teachers nowadayas ah....really syokk ohh....hehehe...~~

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